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How It Works

Handmade artisan cheese subscriptions brought to you by a collaboration between Birchrun Hills Farm and Valley Milkhouse Creamery. 

how it works

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Collective Creamery offers monthly subscription boxes featuring artisan cheeses handmade by Birchrun Hills Farm, Valley Milkhouse and guest cheesemakers from the Northeastern U.S.

Boxes are delivered to host sights in your neighborhood for pickup on the third week of each month. The price is $294 for the season ($49 per share for 6 months).

Your up front payment at the start of our farming season is a blessing that allows us to buy feed for our animals, seed for our pastures and parts for our tractors. Your funds directly support the dairy farms and cheesemakers that are part of this program.

We like to think of it as a new kind of CSA: Cheese-Supported Agriculture.

Click here to join our mailing list.


Our cheese subscription boxes feature artisan cheeses from Birchrun Hills Farm and Valley Milkhouse. Subscribers receive exclusive members-only batches, unique collaborative wheels, and guest cheeses from our cheesemaker friends around the Northeast. Our curated boxes include a variety of raw and pasteurized styles that vary each month.

Our Monthly Cheese Share includes 4 varieties of cheese (6-8 ounces per piece) distributed once per month at pickup sites around the region.


  • Tangy, spreadable fresh cheeses

  • Luscious, creamy bloomy rinds

  • Sharp, savory cheddars

  • Nutty, complex aged styles like Emmental, Gouda, and Jack

  • Rich, flavorful blues

  • Unique American originals

  • Brined cheeses like feta and halloumi


Pick up your cheese share at one of our awesome pickup sites in Philadelphia, Southeast Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.


It may be your bank's security systems keeping you safe. Give us a call at 610-816-9813 and we’ll help you out.